
Preconception advice.

Even if you don’t have any known fertility problems, a fertility specialist can provide advice on lifestyle factors that can optimize your fertility, such as diet, exercise, and stress management. Seeing a fertility specialist for preconception advice can help you make informed decisions about your fertility and increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Fertility guidelines for when
You should see a specialist.

Have you been trying to conceive for 12 months without success?

If you’ve been trying to conceive for over a year (no matter what age you are!) and haven’t had any success, you should consider seeing a fertility specialist for an inital investigation.


Are you over 35 without getting pregnant?

Women who are over 35 years old and have been trying to conceive for at least six months should consider seeing a fertility specialist because age related factors may be hammering your efforts.


Do you have problemeatic periods?

Women who have irregular periods or have experienced missed periods should see a fertility specialist. This can indicate problems with ovulation.


Do you have or suspect you may have Endometriosis?

Women who have endometriosis, a condition where the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, may experience infertility and should see me for a broader examination.


Suspected male infertility?

Men who have a low sperm count, motility problems, or other issues that may prevent conception should also see me.

Ready to take the next step?

Book now

Call us on 1300 330 279 to book or fill in the form with your preferred time and location for your booking, and we will be in touch with appointment availabilities.

The causes of infertility are many and varied

is a tale of two halves.

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), male factors contribute to about 40-50% of infertility cases. However, this can vary depending on the population and specific causes of infertility. It’s important to remember that infertility is often caused by a combination of male and female factors, or is sometimes unexplained. That’s why it’s crucial you engage a skilled fertility specialist to investigate the possible causes as soon as possible.

What causes infertility
in women.

A woman’s age can have a big effect on her ability to have a baby, especially as she enters her 30s and 40s. For a healthy woman in her 20s or early 30s, the chances of conceiving each month is 25%-30%. But by the time a woman is 40 years old, the chances are 10% or less.

Common causes of infertility in women include ovulatory disorders, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis or structural defects in the uterus such as congenital anomalies (birth defects) and uterine fibroids.

What causes infertility in men.

Common causes of infertility in men include low or no sperm production or defects in the sperm morphology (shape of the sperm) or motility (the ability of the sperm to move through the reproductive tract). In rare cases, infertility in men can be caused by un underlying genetic disease or chromosomal abnormality.

Unexplained infertility.

Unexplained infertility is a diagnosis given to couples who have been trying to conceive for at least one year but have no identifiable cause of infertility. In general, infertility is caused by ovulatory problems, tubal blockages, sperm abnormalities, or endometriosis. However, in cases of unexplained infertility, all of these factors are tested and show no sign of abnormality. It’s estimated that up to 30% of couples who seek fertility treatment have unexplained infertility. Some possible causes of unexplained infertility include problems with egg or sperm quality, issues with embryo implantation, hormonal imbalances, or even genetic abnormalities.

Gamete donation

Gamete donation refers to the process of donating sperm or eggs to someone else who needs it for conception. Surrogacy is the process where a woman carries and gives birth to a child for another person or couple. Gamete donation can be from a ‘known donor’, an individual in your life willing to provide eggs or sperm or from a donor bank.


In New South Wales, gamete donation and surrogacy are regulated by the Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2007 and the Surrogacy Act 2010. These laws provide guidelines and requirements for donors and surrogates, including legal agreements, medical checks, and counselling.

Surrogates and intended parents must undergo medical and psychological assessments and obtain independent legal advice before entering into a surrogacy arrangement.

Only altruistic surrogacy is allowed in Australia, meaning that surrogates cannot receive any financial reward apart from reimbursement of expenses.
Surrogates must be over 25 years old, have had at least one child, and undergo medical and psychological assessments.

Ready to take the next step?

Book now

Call us on 1300 330 279 to book or fill in the form with your preferred time and location for your booking, and we will be in touch with appointment availabilities.